Spring cleaning is approaching us; it’s inevitable. I actually enjoy cleaning, well cleaning out my closet at least. For those of you who aren’t so crazy about this task, I’ve devised a list of tips to help get you through it.
1. Start by filing through the rack and asking yourself a couple of questions. Have you worn it this past year? If not, it’s probably time to let that piece go. Can you see yourself wearing it in the future? If not, it should definitely go.
2. Once your closet is clean you can try to sell your unwanted clothes to a consignment shop. Or you could try selling them on PoshMark, which is a website/app where you can sell unwanted clothes and shop other people’s closets (my Poshmark is ‘mhhhicks’). Anything that doesn’t sell you can donate to the Salvation Army or Goodwill.
3. Now that all of your unwanted clothes are gone, you can begin organizing. I like to organize my closet by color (though a good majority of my clothes are black lol) so it’s easier for me to put together an outfit. Aside from all of my hanging garments, I fold all of my non-hanging pieces. I sort out sweaters by how heavy or light-weight they are and separate them into three piles: light, medium, and heavy. I also fold all of my jeans and other non-dressy pants and put those next to my sweaters on my top shelf. On the bottom of my closet, I actually have shoe shelves that house my tank tops, cardigans, and t-shirts. All of which are separated and given their own shelf.

For my underwear, bras, pajamas, tights, and socks, I have a dresser to house them all. And I like to keep my shoes displayed in my room on shelves or ledges and in my hanging shoe organizer. I wish you all the best of luck in your closet clean outs!
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